Education for all

Education For All

Education is a process of imparting knowledge from teachers to the students. This process may contain a different variety of steps depending on the stage and quality of education. It is a key process which plays a significant role in maintaining the culture and ethics of the society. Education thus is an extremely important element and prior condition of revamping the society. It empowers the people to comprehend the world out of the box and help them to become humanist and self-reliant. Modern Education is most suitable, open and liberal. The education brings freedom, equality, and humanism to the life of individual and society as well. There are a variety of subjects taught in different fields i.e. technology, linguistics, economy, culture, agriculture, health and many more. Kids Education Education is an important medium to acquire skills and knowledge. Education of a child begins at home. Thereafter, as a child grows, he/she goes to schools, colleges, and other educational institutes. Education brings positive changes in the child’s life and helps him/her to become a useful member of society. It enhances the knowledge, skill, and intelligence of a person and enables him/her to lead a successful life. For a kid, the mother can play a vital role in acquiring knowledge and education as the mother is the first and foremost institution for any kid. All the other institutions and schools are second step education for a child. Adult Education Education is a social instrument through which a man can guide his destiny and shape his future. Education is also important in social and economical development of a country. In this scenario, adult’s education becomes inevitable for his own life as well as society. It is very difficult for an uneducated person to contribute towards betterment and development. A child entering his adult life gets education from college or university. Both colleges and universities play important role in imparting adult education. Education at any Stage of Life One should get education throughout his life from childhood to the end of his life. Even if an individual cannot get proper education, he may acquire the technical knowledge which never requires age restrictions. No development is possible without skillful and technical education. Skillful and technically trained human resource plays important role in the development of the country. Economic growth of a country mostly depends on these skillful human resources.

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Main category : Classes

Sub category : Education

Tags : Education, development knowledge

Added : 2023-07-05

Country : India

State : Andhra Pradesh

City : Hyderabad

Contact Number : +91-9603161478

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Education for all
Education for all
Education for all
Education for all

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