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Why should I use admyurl?

admyurl was created with a goal to help Business Owners and Service Providers Market, Promote and Expand their Business/Services without having a need to have their own website. Once your Business Profile is created it will be searchable to popular search engines as well as thousands of users of admyurl. This will help your Business fetch thousands of potential customers. It's free and very easy to create your Business/Services Profile.

Do I need to Register to create Business Profile ?

Yes. you need to Register your User to create Business Profile.

Is it necessary to have your own website to register with admyurl ?

No, it is not required that you have your own website to market your business on Internet. Our primary Goal is to market your Business for free without the need to have your personal website.

What are advantages of Registration ?

  • It's mandatory to Register your User to create Business Profile.
  • Once you Register, you will be able to provide Reviews for other Businesses.
  • You will become a member of admyurl Community.

While Registering User I am providing my email address. Will that be used for Promotional Emails ?

No. Your Email Address will be used to communicate with you only the matters related to your admyurl account and Business Profile. We never share your email address with third party. Also we never use your Email address to send you promotional emails. Please be advised that if you specifically mention your Email Address in your Business Profile details, which is publicly visible to all users, we won't have any way to hide it from users.

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